creare website Creare site-uri web

Realizam site-uri web adecvate nevoilor dvs utilizand cele mai avansate tehnologii de menagement al continutului (CMS) si o abordare a designului care sa asigure o interfata prietenoasa si un acces extins la diverse dispozitive (smartphone, tableta etc).
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Intelligent Street Lights Iluminat public eficient

Iluminatul public actual poate fi realizat intr-un mod inteligent care asigura diminuarea semnificativa a costurilor. Sistemul nostru de control adaptiv ajusteaza luminozitatea distingand intre prezenta pietonilor, biciclistilor sau mijloacelor auto.
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Platforma de creditare Software de creditare

Platforma noastra de creditare include toate activitatile majore necesare pentru o afacere profitabila de creditare online: procese de creditare end-to-end, automatizare, verificare istoric, generare punctaj client, soluții avansate de marketing, raportare si customizare.
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comert electronic E-commerce

Putem sa va cream un magazin online puternic si extensibil, optimizat pentru utilizarea usoara pe tablete si telefoane mobile si sa oferiti clientilor dvs. o experienta placuta. Designul va fi unul modern si personalizat care sa reflecte stilul si brand-ul firmei dvs.
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CRM consulting

CRM Consulting

A Custom Relationship Management (CRM) system is key for any business that can envision having more than 10 customers. CRM has been one of those solutions that has recently come along in leaps and bounds in terms of price/performance/features.

It stands without reason that you should invest in a professional implementation to ensure that you are set up how you need to be by utilizing good templates and adopting best practices. Our consulting service is designed to help you springboard your productivity through professional assistance with initial set-up, configuration and knowledge transfer. Our consultants will provide your business with the professional assistance to help ensure you hit the ground running.

Our consultants can help you to meet your CRM objectives by:

  • Understand your overall business and CRM objectives
  • Reviewing your current business processes and identifying areas that would benefit through improved system interaction and automation
  • Defining new business processes where applicable based on our industry experience and customer relationship management system’s knowledge
  • Designing a CRM system that will serve as an enabler for an improved customer experience
  • Performing iterative system development and configuration, allowing stakeholders to perform hands–on testing and provide feedback and input at every step along the way
  • Determine basic set-up requirements
  • Our consultants are experts in working with CRM. We possess a deep understanding of CRM’s modules and are adept at configuring and customizing CRM to suit the needs of our clients.

We specialize in the following CRM solutions:

  • Analyzing your business requirements and existing processes
  • Designing cohesive CRM Business and System Processes
  • Development of your CRM solution, performing configuration and customizations to ensure that the CRM solution is best fit for your organization
  • Data migration or any data imports
  • Admin User Training or End User Training
  • Update existing transactions in the production system
  • Supporting your CRM solution and evolving it as your business evolves.

Key benefits:

  • Complete requirement analysis before starting a new project
  • Flexible and hassle-free integration and deployment options
  • Workflows, demo models created to check whether CRM is as per requirements or not
  • Increased functionality through the development and integration of plugins, as needed
  • Excellent maintenance and support system, to immediately respond to the problem
  • CRM Module Customization and Integration to widen the scope of application
  • Professional CRM Development services that are as per your budget.
crm CRM

Orice firma este interesata sa dezvolte relatii profitabile si pe termen lung cu clientii, ca modalitate de asigurare a dezvoltarii durabile si cresterii competitivitatii pe piata. Noi va oferim soluții strategice adaptate proceselor specifice dvs pentru CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
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automatizari Hardware & Software

Oferim solutii personalizate din domeniile de automatizare, tehnologii de masurare, electronica si software. Realizam proiectare hardware si software pentru sisteme embedded, de la unitati cu un singur procesor, care executa un numar limitat de functii, pana la sisteme complexe de automatizare.
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CAD 2D 3D Proiectare mecanica

Misiunea firmei noastre este proiectare de produse complexe in medii CAD 3D. Avand in vedere satisfactia clientului si dezvoltarea unui raport de continuitate cu acesta, am adoptat strategia PLM pentru a realiza un management modern pentru ciclul de viata al produsului.
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recrutare Servicii de business

Noi punem la dispozitia clientilor nostri servicii profesionale de recrutare si selectie a candidatilor pentru diverse sectoare de activitate: inginerie mecanica si electrica, proiectare hardware, informatica, management, etc. De asemenea, va putem ajuta sa creati noi contacte de afaceri.
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Date de contact:
Bulevardul Ficusului nr. 44A
Scara B, Parter, 013975
Sector 1, București, Romania
Telefon: +40 (0)21 232 00 60
FAX:     +40 (0)21 232 95 99

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